
Student Bookloan Program helps students save money on textbooks

By Amal Ben Ghanem


The Associated Students Bookloan Program helps provide over 3,000 college textbooks for general education courses at no cost to City College students since its implementation in 1981.

Bryan Daley, left, acquires his free textbook from Eve Greenberg at the City College Book Loan located at Student Union 104B. Photo by Jared Lue/The Guardsman

“The beauty of this program is that it’s student-powered. It is student-created, run, funded and advertised,” Bookloan student coordinator, Tanishia Johnson said.


All students currently enrolled in classes are eligible to borrow two textbooks each semester as long as they present a valid student ID card, an official copy of their class schedule and a list of desired textbooks.

The program is operated on a first come, first served basis and offers priority status to full-time AB540 students and financial aid or BOG waiver recipients, along with veterans enrolled in at least nine units and DSPS students registered for six units.


Bookloan is funded by the $5 student activity fee, but also accepts book donations, which can be recycled or used to buy new textbooks. Bookloan strives to help students remain on track to reach their educational goals.


“I have had people who have had their children, wives or husbands use it and have said to me how grateful and happy that the program exists and [how it] helped them to succeed in a way they would have not have succeeded [otherwise],” Johnson said.

To get your textbooks, head over to the student union building located between the library and cafeteria. The return box is a grey box right behind the rails on the left. Returns are accepted 24/7. Photo by Jared Lue/The Guardsman


Despite its impact on the college community, Bookloan remains unknown among students. Faculty members like English professor, Monica Bosson, directs her students to Bookloan, hoping that with enough campus outreach, students who might not be able to afford class materials may be provided with them free of charge.

Bookloan remains open all semester from Tuesday to Friday from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and is located in the Student Union building in room 104B.

The Guardsman