Opinions & EditorialsHave Your Say

Have Your Say

By Michael Montalvo

Do you think City College staff has a diversity problem?

I think with professors, it seems to be more white professors more than anything but with the staff, it’s more diverse – Selina Xie, Mechanical Engineering


No I wouldn’t say so, I see plenty of different ethnic background in CCSF.
Michael Anthony, Pack Civil Engineering


I don’t think its a problem, we lack diversely with the professor. Most professor I encounter are white.
Christian Silva, Film


No i don’t, I don’t see any problem within the school, there are many different diversities within in the school.
-Audrey Norton, Health Education


I would say no because I see a lot of different people in age, cultures, and ethnicities here on campus.-Janiyah Broomfield, Diversity and Social Justice


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