
All Associated Students Government Positions Open for Reelection

By Aminah Jalal

Staff Writer

City College’s Associated Students Government is having elections for the fall 2020-spring 2021 term. Students can help lead change and represent the student body by participating in the student government or by voting in the elections.

The Associated Students Constitution grants the Associated Students Council to stand as a representative body for all City College campuses to facilitate communication, leadership, and advocacy. Any students enrolled in city college are members of the Associated Students. Those individuals who would like to take it a step further can run for a spot on the AS Council.

Illustration by Nazli Kandur/The Guardsman

Students joining the AS Council would contribute by sharing their ideas and opinions to influence college policies and goals. Students taking part in the student government may also benefit from making network connections through the current AS members. It is also a great way for students to build their resume and transfer application. Most AS leaders are also eligible for priority registration and a free parking pass. 

Positions open in student government include Student Trustee, Student Chancellor and Student Vice Chancellor, and all council positions district-wide. 

As Student Trustee, the student sits on the Board of Trustees and weighs in on the big picture, district-wide college policies and procedures. Student Chancellor and Student Vice-Chancellor will work collectively as the voice of the students and to unite the student government groups across the college.

The Associated Student Councils at each City College location are given the opportunity to form a council or association among students and to represent the unique voices and needs of students attending their particular campus. Campuses seeking candidates are Chinatown, Civic Center, Downtown, Evans, John Adams, Mission, and Ocean.

Online voting will take place on Tuesday April 28th and Wednesday April 29th district-wide with more information to come. For any questions or concerns, contact AS Election Commissioners through email at

The Guardsman