Have Your Say: Election Season
By Fran Smith
1 Elijah Watson – Film 4th Semester
“I do not plan on voting this term because first and foremost both of the candidates I don’t like. Period.”
2 Isabella Wu – A.S. in Science Pre-Nursing
“I think this November, I’m not really sure about whether or not I should vote yet because I still gotta’ look at all of the policies and what the candidates are addressing, and you know, what they’re actually going to do. And I don’t know, politics is really messy right now so I think it requires a lot of time and thinking into these and as a student I have a lot on my plate already so, I don’t know if I will have time to just think all that over and process it and make that decision..”
3 Miguel Magaipo – Comp Science
“I will be voting in November’s election because I feel like as a young voter it is my sole responsibility to steer the direction of this country in a time of vitriol and turmoil and political vitriol and turmoil and misinformation and I feel like young people, have a say, have a equal opportunity say in, in politics as much as any other person, and so I feel like, yeah my vote is as important as everybody else’s so I should vote.”
4 Kirill Mandra – Student
“I can not vote in November, sadly, unfortunately. If I could, I would vote because I think it is the most important election for a lot of people, especially immigrants and for the country I am from, which is Ukraine.”
5 Brenda Matteoni – Student Worker at UMOJA representing the African American Community
“For now I believe I won’t be voting in November due to not feeling secure if our vote even counts or if our votes are even not disturbed once dropped in the bulletin [ballot box] where you drop it off. I would like to feel or believe that they are secured and hopefully by November I might change my mind, because I do believe that our vote is our voice and our voice is our vote to make changes. So, my biggest concern is how secure are our votes to make an impact of change.”