Opinions & EditorialsHave Your Say

Have Your Say

By Michael Montalvo

“Do you think San Francisco needs more homeless shelters?”

“They need more, sadly San Francisco has a lot of  inequality. The sense of belonging of people that was born here is missing. So with more shelters, we can give back to those people.”
Natalie Macias, Undeclared


“I think they need more since I see a lot of homeless people around the city. It could help the students out too.”
Philip Casco, Acting


“I really do think we need more. Students also need one because we cut our work hours just to be here.”
Gabriel Padilla, Administration of Justice


“I believe so, people here are struggling to uphold the standards of living and it’s also sad driving around and seeing everyone outside sleeping.” Abdulai Bangura, Political  Science



“I think so, since homelessness is increasing it would be nice for people to have somewhere safe to sleep.”
Jalayah Helen Morales, Journalism
The Guardsman