Measles outbreak in San Francisco
By Michael J Montalvo
There are a lot of reasons why you should get vaccinated, more specific the recents outbreaks of measles that’s been occuring in the United States.
Last month, three cases of measles appeared since 2013 in the Bay area. A Santa Clara resident had the virus on a international flight to San Francisco when she infected another Santa Clara resident and a
San Francisco resident.
Health Officials say the disease won’t spend any further beyond the three people and is contained.
In the beginning of the month, the Centers for Disease Control reported there have been 387 cases of measles from Jan. 1 to March, 28 2019 in the United States.
The measles vaccine was approved and became available in the middle of the 1960s, before that measles was a common childhood illness that killed about 500 people per year. By 2000, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that measles has been eliminated in the United States.
However in 1998, a now-discredited british doctor published a report suggesting the measles vaccine could cause autism. The report has been debunked by experts and retracted from the science journal that published it.
Sadly the damage was already done and a worldwide anti-vaccination movement took off.
This community is a community because we shut them out when they ask a question and are unsure about “vaccines”. The only people who wants to hear “vaccines cause autism” are anti vaccination people because we don’t take the time or effort to explain and show them reports and the history about vaccines.
Unfortunately for them, California’s new bill–Senate Bill 277– became law In 2016, which removes personal belief or religious exemptions and to vaccination requirements for entry to private or public elementary or secondary schools in the state, as well as day care centers with a exemption of homeschooling.
Trump has been flip-flopping about vaccines since 2014, which makes it foggy and unclear on a federal level.
While the California law is doing great with only about 23 cases in 2019 other states like New York with 300 cases this year need to apply the same law so we can get rid of this disease again and many others like it.