

CCSF’s $190 million Performing Arts and Education Center Set to Transform Campus and Showcase Diego Rivera Mural

At the heart of the new Performing Arts and Education Center will be the Diego Rivera Theater, which will house the iconic “Pan-American Unity” mural by Diego Rivera. The mural will be displayed in the lobby with a glass wall, making it visible to both the center’s visitors and the pedestrians outside. “The uniqueness of the building will be the installation and display of the mural,” said Alberto Vasquez, associate vice chancellor of the CCSF facilities department. 

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Champion of the Student Underdog: The Life and Times of Dr. Lisa Cooper Wilkins

Dr. Lisa Cooper Wilkins was appointed the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs at City College in 2020. In the years since, the college has seen a revolving door of chancellors and struggled with its decline in enrollment. Now faced with future deficits, the college leans on Wilkins’ optimism within Student Affairs as the most important aspect of its financial stability. Like many colleges and universities, the students at City College are both the customer and the product.

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The City College Foundation

The Foundation’s mission is to provide volunteer services and financial assistance to CCSF, as well as to create outreach into the community to increase public knowledge and support of City College. The only membership requirement is to purchase a ticket to the annual luncheon or to make a comparable donation to the Basic Skills scholarship fund. The luncheon in 2019 raised close to $300,000 in a single day.

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The Guardsman