How has the air quality from “Camp Fire” affected you?
“The fires haven’t really affected me currently, but if the fires were to happen when I was little, I would have been more affected because I had breathing problems back then.” Gonzalo Rosales, Business“It hasn’t affected me personally but my roommate has a dormant asthma problem and she recently had an asthma attack because of the fires.” Gabrielle DarcuielI have a four year old son and I haven’t been able to take him outside because the smoke affects his asthma. I’ve had to find indoor play areas for him to play in.” Lizette Albalos, Nursing“The air quality has affected me the most. I’ve been sick for the past week and the fires aren’t helping. I also have family up in Chico who were affected by the e Camp Fire and Had to evacuate.” Stella Gutierrez, Undecided“The smoke from the fires have affected my asthma and I’ve had trouble breathing.” Mason Lucchesi, Computer Science