Don’t miss the ‘Show of Shows’
By Bethaney Lee
The Visual Media Design Department, in part with the City College Concert and Lecture Series, is presenting the 18th Annual Animation Show of Shows (AASS) on Sept. 22, at 7:30 p.m. in Multi-Use Building Room 140.
Created in 1998 to showcase award-winning animated short films and inspire younger generations of animators, the 18th AASS has been organized by the founder of Acme Filmworks, Ron Diamond, and will feature 17 films focusing on various civil liberty themes. The show will also include a live stream question and answer session with Diamond.
Admission is free for all City College students and faculty, but potential guests are asked to respond via the Eventbrite page to register for a ticket.
The screening is to last 102 minutes and will feature the following films:
- STEMS by Ainslie Hendersen (Scotland)
- SHIFT by Cecilia Puglesi & Yijun Liu (U.S.)
- PEARL by Patrick Osborne (U.S.)
- CRIN-CRIN by Iris Alexandre (Belgium)
- MIRROR by Chris Ware, John Kuramoto, Ira Glass (U.S.)
- LAST SUMMER IN THE GARDEN by Bekky O’Neil (Canada)
- WAITING FOR NEW YEAR by Vladimir Leschiov (Latvia)
- PIPER by Alan Barillaro (U.S.)
- BØYGEN by Kristian Pedersen (Norway)
- AFTERNOON CLASS by Seoro Oh (Korea)
- ABOUT A MOTHER by Dina Velikovskaya (Russia)
- EXPLOOZY by Joshua Gunn, Trevor Piecham, & John McGowan (U.S.)
- INNER WORKINGS by Leo Matsuda (U.S.)
- CORPUS by Marc Héricher (France)
- BLUE by Daniela Sherer (Israel)
- MANOMAN by Simon Cartwright (U.K.)
- ALL THEIR SHADES by Chloé Alliez (Belgium)