About 200 City College faculty, union workers from SEIU Local 87, which represents custodians and janitors, and faculty from local colleges gathered in solidarity to oppose City College faculty cuts.
Read MoreIn the wake of upcoming faculty layoffs approved by the Board of Trustees on Feb. 26, faculty from City College’s registered nursing department fear their department could lose their approval granted by the California Board of Registered Nursing, due to no longer meeting minimum staffing requirements outlined by the board. Now, City College nursing faculty are in negotiations with the school’s administration to minimize cuts to their department.
Read MoreA book review of “Free City! The Fight for San Francisco’s City College and Education for All” and an interview with the authors.
Read MoreFacing budget constraints and continued accreditation pressures, the College’s Multi-Year Budget and Enrollment Plan outlines steep cuts, including at least 600 fewer class sections.
Read MoreSince the closure of the Fort Mason Campus, there has been a lot of talk about the disposal of various art supplies that were provided for the students and faculty at the Fort Mason Campus. It’s still a bit unclear of what the Board of Trustees have decided to do, since there has been lots of speculation with the details of their decision.
Read MoreProposition A will allocate $845 million to fund necessary campus-wide safety repairs and educational facilities improvements.
Read MoreBy Caoilinn Goss cgoss2@mail.ccsf.edu City College’s Faculty Union (AFT Local 2121) and many older adult students oppose Mayor London
Read MoreBy Meyer Gorelick msggorelick@gmail.com A $2.7 million bridge fund to restore almost 300 Spring semester classes which were cut on
Read Moreby Lisa Martin lisamartin.562@gmail.com In a step toward making City College’s Free City program more permanent, the San Francisco Board
Read MoreMayor Requests Federal Investigation into SFPD Mayor Ed Lee and Police Chief Greg Suhr have requested an exhaustive and transparent
Read MoreACCJC Trial coverage: SF Chronicle SF Examiner 48 Hills AFT 2121 Photo by James Fanucchi The Guardsman
Read MoreThis Fiscal year, City College’s budget sits at just under $350 million.
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