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More Money, More Problems: College Style

By Keiara Allen


Imagine that you just got accepted into that dream university. You know the one, that college that you rushed to meet the applica- tion deadline, typed the statement of purpose until your fingers pul- sated in agony, and begged your professors to complete the letter of recommendation for you and finally

after all that you’ve been accepted! After the initial wave of excite- ment, reality sets in, more likely than not you’ll have to apply for some sort of loan. Unfortunately, the loans you apply for will be tacked

with a multitude of fees and extras. One being the origination fee. This fee is given to the loan lenders for “processing” the loan application. Why they need money to have a computer collect loan applications is unbeknownst to me. Anger, rage,

and pure confusion sums up what I felt when I discovered that this fee and if you feel it too, you can do something and let the lawmakers know that this fee sucks!

H.R. 1285 is a bill that recently got introduced in the house of rep- resentatives this month. It aims to eliminate the hidden student loan fee, aka the origination fee. So let your voices be heard: https://www. govtrack.us/congress/bills/114/ hr1285.

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