Faculty union presses unfair practice charge against district
By Veronica Steiner
City College’s faculty union, the American Federation of Teachers Local 2121, filed an unfair labor practice charge against the San Francisco Community College District on June 26. The charge cited numerous examples of the district’s failure to respond to the union’s requests for relevant and necessary information.
The most recent and serious incident occurred on May 31, when two City College instructors were interviewed and placed on administrative leave due to allegations of unprofessional conduct, according to the charge, which was filed with the Public Employment Relations Board. On June 1, 4 and 11, AFT 2121 formally requested a summary of the allegations against the professors, but the district refused to comply, the charge stated.
“In its [Feb. 16] letter to the District, the Union explained that its right to information derives from EERA section 3543.5(c) which imposes on the public school District the duty to [meet] and confer in good faith with an exclusive representative,” the charge stated. “The District’s duty to furnish the exclusive representative with information stems from this duty to bargain.”
The college’s Media Relations Director Connie Chan stated, “City College does not tolerate anyone or any situation that places the safety and well-being of our students at risk. When the College became aware of student reports alleging unprofessional conduct, we immediately followed up on these reports. An independent investigation was conducted and appropriate action was taken. Due to the nature of this matter, we cannot comment any further.”
The college administration said it is common practice to place an employee on administrative leave pending the results of an investigation.
“If the results of the investigation yield there was wrongdoing, then the district will take swift and appropriate action,” a college official said. “As it relates to [the two instructors], because those [cases] involve specific individuals, I can’t comment any further.”
But if an investigation finds no wrongdoing, an employee simply return to work, the official added.
“With regard to the specific unfair labor practice charge, the College has followed, and continues to follow federal and state law regulating the confidentiality of student records,” Chan stated.
When asked about the two professors and their case, AFT 2121 declined to comment but provided The Guardsman the charge filed against the district.
This case is ongoing.