Correction – Trustee Transparency
I published one significant error in The Guardsman’s fall 2018 Issue 8 article “CCSF’s governing board violates transparency three times.” The third act of noncompliance mentioned — that City College’s board of trustees violated Board Policy 1.16 for not giving adequate notice in its Dec. 6 special meeting — actually followed the board policy. I stated that special meetings require a notice of 72 hours, but the correct figure is 24 hours, as City College Legal Counsel Steve Bruckman had said at the Dec. 4 board study session.
Although I understood the distinction between City College’s “Sunshine” policy and San Francisco’s “Sunshine” policy, I accidentally confused the two policies. The latter, which I’d read minutes before the former, has the 72-hour notice requirement.
I ran my conclusion by Bruckman himself, who confirmed the third violation under the belief that he had been mistaken before. However, Bruckman’s initial statement was correct, and I was wrong. Everything else is accurate. I apologize, and promise to do better in exercising due diligence.
David Mamaril Horowitz, The Guardsman News Editor, Fall 2018