Student Activists Gather over Winter Break, to Plan for Upcoming Actions
By Diana Guzman
Community activists stayed busy over winter break as they held a meeting on Dec. 29, composed of various student-led groups to discuss future action to preserve City College as a community college.
Held at the Filipino Community Center in the Excelsior District, students and faculty members gathered to create demands to mobilize against the current state of education at the school. During the meeting, they spoke of building cross-campus solidarity and focusing on issues affecting faculty, in addition to those affecting students, including the dozens of faculty layoffs that happened as a result of the class cuts last November.
During the previous semester, numerous mobilizations and protests were held to inform the student body of campus issues that directly affect their ability to obtain an education. This semester, students are planning to increase the creation of fliers, posters and other forms of artwork to inspire more students to get involved.
Participants of the meeting seem to have lost trust in Chancellor Mark Rocha and are looking to replace him with a more student-centered chancellor. According to a report from Music Department Chair Madeline Mueller, “the college doesn’t need a ‘bandaid’ for the recent vicious cuts, we need a tourniquet and we need it immediately”.
For more information regarding upcoming dates of campus events follow @ccsfstudentassembly on Instagram.