
Art exhibition takes over local barber shop

Inks of truth collective exhibits art show at the San Francisco Barber College on 6th Street in San Francisco as part of the 2 Blocks Art Walk on Friday, Oct. 10. (Photo By: Niko Plagakis)
An art exhibition by Inks of truth collective displays at the San Francisco Barber College on 6th Street in San Francisco as part of the 2 Blocks Art Walk on Friday, Oct. 10. (Photo by Niko Plagakis)
People gather to view works by Inks of truth at the San Francisco Barber College on 6th Street in San Francisco as part of the 2 Blocks Art Walk on Friday, Oct. 10. (Photo By: Niko Plagakis)
People gather to view works by Inks of truth at the San Francisco Barber College on 6th Street in San Francisco as part of the 2 Blocks Art Walk on Friday, Oct. 10. (Photo by Niko Plagakis)


Photo by Niko Plagakis

The Guardsman

The old San Francisco Barber College is one of the many venues that was opened and displayed work done by local artists on Friday, October 10 for the 2 Blocks of Art walk on 6th Street in San Francisco.

Inks of Truth, a collective of artists and photographers, rented this location for the day to display their group’s work. “This will be our second time in the San Francisco Barber College location for this event, which I’m really pleased about this spot, I just wish the barber chairs were still in here like they were last time we showed our work in this space,” Reynaldo R. Cayetano Jr. said.

2 Blocks of Art is an annual event that takes place on the first two blocks of 6th Street from Market Street to Howard Street. The art walk started in 2011 and is organized to help promote local artists, boost the economy of small local businesses in the area, and help reinforce the central Market area of San Francisco as a arts and culture destination. The event coordinators also hope to help promote civic pride among the residents of this neighborhood.

Reynaldo R. Cayetano Jr. San Francisco local and head organizer of Inks of Truth, a San Francisco based collective of photographers and artists which include current and former CCSF students, shows his work in the space that used to be the old San Francisco Barber College, located at 64 6th Street, San Francisco.  “We’ve been doing shows down here on 6th street since 2009, and this is our third time doing the art walk on 6th street,” he explained on Friday, Oct. 10. (Photo By: Niko Plagakis)
Reynaldo R. Cayetano Jr., a former City College student and a head organizer of Inks of Truth; San Francisco based collective of photographers and artists which include current and former CCSF students, shows his work in the space that used to be the old San Francisco Barber College, located at 64 6th Street, San Francisco on Friday, Oct.10. “We’ve been doing shows down here on 6th street since 2009, and this is our third time doing the art walk on 6th street,” Cayetano said.
(Photo by Niko Plagakis)


Alan Khum, San Francisco resident, artist and collaborator with Inks of Truth, stands in front of one of his pieces on display as part of the 2 Blocks Art Walk at the old San Francisco Barber College located at 64 6th Street, San Francisco. “This is my second time showing my work with Inks of Truth,” He stated on Friday, Oct. 10. (Photo By: Niko Plagakis)
A former City College student Alan Khum, San Francisco artist and collaborator with Inks of Truth, stands in front of one of his pieces on display as part of the 2 Blocks Art Walk at the old San Francisco Barber College located at 64 6th Street, San Francisco on Friday, Oct. 10. “This is my second time showing my work with Inks of Truth,” Khum said. (Photo by Niko Plagakis)

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The Guardsman