“A Flea in Her Ear” set to provide endless laughter

By Steven Ho
the guardsman
City College’s Theatre Arts Department is excited to premiere their spring play the comedy “A Flea in Her Ear,” at the Diego Rivera Theatre.
Director John Wilk and the show’s 14 actors have been rehears- ing since the second week of January for the play this Friday.
“A Flea in Her Ear” is a play about a man with erectile dysfunc- tion.
“The man’s wife suspects that he is cheating on her because he is no longer functioning in bed,” Wilk said. “So, she concocts a story to get him to go to a brothel to meet with her under the disguise that she is someone else.”
Subsequently, a series of mis- understanding follows, and the characters experience the complica- tions of mistaken identity.
“It is like a two hour episode of the 1980s show Three’s Com- pany. People are coming in and out of doors and missing each other,” said Robert Ayala, who plays Don Carlos Homenides De Histangua.
Tatiana Prue, who plays Luci- enne Homenides De Histangua, said, “I like how crazy all the charac- ters are. Everyone is nuts and that’s what I like about it.”
“It is just one of the funniest plays ever written. It has got to be in the top five funniest plays in theatre history,” Wilk stated.
Wilk said, “Right now here at City College we need a good laugh more than anything. It is nice to just sit there and laugh.”
The play is approximately two hours and 15 minutes long and fea- tures three different acts.
The performance is being held in the Diego Rivera Theatre at Ocean Campus. Tickets are avail- able online at brownpapertickets. com/event/1238611 − $10 for students and seniors and $15 for general admission.
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