Advanced carpentry student may become the department’s next instructor
Sawdust wafted through the air and settled inside Classroom 257. The carpentry department located at City College’s Evans Campus has seen a few changes last year and has another round of changes in full swing. Carpentry instructor for advanced craftsmen, Raymond Cash, was hired in 2015 and currently teaches a student who he said may become the next instructor for the beginning City College carpentry class. Currently, John McNees, teaches the beginning carpentry class, but come Fall of 2018 City College student and carpentry professional, Tim O’Mahoney, may be the one handing out the safety glasses. McNees is retiring in June leaving the job available, a position that Cash said must be given to someone who is good with their hands – someone like O’Mahoney.
Tim O’Mahoney is the potential candidate for instructing the beginning carpentry class when instructor, John McNees, hangs up his tool belt and retires. O’Mahoney is still enrolled as an advanced carpentry student under Raymond Cash, but Cash said O’Mahoney has been in the industry for a long time and has just as much experience as himself. Photo taken on Nov. 13, 2017.
Every Monday and Wednesday in Fall of 2017 the advanced carpentry class is bustling with projects from City College students on the second floor of the Evans Campus. O’Mahoney is one of them, though not present in this photograph. Photo taken On Nov. 6, 2017.
Raymond Cash leads the class in instruction before students disburse throughout the wood shop to work on their individual projects. Photo taken on Nov. 6, 2017.
Pursuing carpentry as a passion, Cem Turhal works with his teacher, Raymond Cash, to measure and mark a piece of pine wood for his project. Cash has over 30 years of experience that he offers to City College students. Photo taken on Nov. 6, 2017.
City College student Cem Turhal carefully uses a drill to place hinges on the doors he has crafted for his entertainment center. Turhal has already learned skills from the beginning carpentry class that he uses here. Photo taken on Nov. 6, 2017.
Stashed inside the third segment of Cem Turhal’s half-finished project is a stack of sandpaper. Other students in Turhal’s class made much smaller, detailed pieces but Turhal’s class project will have to leave the campus in a truck. Photo taken on Nov. 6, 2017.
City College student Trevor Rogers creates a variety of projects. Instructing how to clamp and glue Rogers’ wooden frames is Raymond Cash. Rogers is an artist who hopes to create several of the enclosed frames to further paint. A project that Rogers said would be much more difficult and costly if not for his class. Photo taken on Nov. 6, 2017.
Prof. Raymond Cash is not only a carpenter but avid astronomer. Near a dangling saw and plastered in the middle right of Cash’s tool box is a sticker boasting two telescopes that he has built himself. Photo taken on Nov. 13, 2017.
Sawdust flies as industrial design major Trevor Rogers works on cabinets for his apartment using a compound miter saw. Photo taken on Oct. 27, 2017.
Laying open on a workbench sits Trevor Rogers’ carpentry sketchbook. Photo taken on Nov. 13, 2017.
Seen working side by side are Trevor Rogers and Makenna Cook. Rogers shaves away curls of wood on a chair he is creating out of maple, while Cook is in the background with instructor Raymond Cash who pulls out a tape measure. Photo taken on Oct. 27, 2017.
Individual projects can be found everywhere in the open floor plan of Room 257. Makenna Cook works on a chair this semester to go with a table she produced in Spring of 2017 in the same class. Photo taken on Nov. 6, 2017.
The carpentry classroom is unique to City College. It becomes evident in a wall comprised full of photographs of past projects students have worked on. Everything from chess sets and baby cradles have been crafted inside the campus walls at 1400 Evans Avenue. Photo taken on Nov. 6, 2017.