City College students and professors voice opinions about music repeatability
By Kyle Roque
This fall semester, City College’s music department obtained repeatability for 14 ensemble music classes. Repeatability is available for music courses 11-20, as well as Music 41, 42, 46, and 47. Previously, students were only allowed to take these classes once; with repeatability, students can take these classes up to four times.
This is excellent news for new and returning students taking music courses. Professors are thrilled that the department is now able to offer students the chance to repeat these courses.
City College’s Dr. Michael Shahani, who teaches Music 12 ( Choir), supports repeatability. He stated that “repeatability should be allowed for many music classes” and emphasized that “one semester of studying an instrument like piano or guitar is really not very much time at all.” He was of the opinion that class repeatability would help strengthen City College’s music program
“Also, for ensembles like choir or band, students should be allowed to take those classes as many times as they can,” said Shahani.
“The ensemble grows in experience over time. The only way for a school to have good ensembles is for the students to take them over and over,” he reiterated, and added that when he was an undergraduate music major, he was required to take choir for eight semesters.
This could mean larger enrollment in City College’s ensemble classes, resulting in each student being able to continue practicing their skills and develop more proficient techniques at their instrument.
With repeatability, students now have the opportunity to retake classes without being rushed to move onto the next level.
Joseph LaRocca, a student in Music 14, agrees that repeatability is integral for his own personal improvement. He believes that repeatability can “help strengthen skills. Students can’t advance onto the next class if they’re not ready.”
Now they have the time to grow their talents.
Raul Menjivar, a student in Music 13A (Jazz Rock/Pop Improvisation) said that “aside from academics, repeatability strengthens skills [students] might have not had previously. If a class is cut off, the student does not have the opportunity to strengthen those skills. Students have to be able to repeat. The music department can’t generate strong students if they’re not allowed to retake the class.”
Students and teachers alike seem to be in agreement that everybody benefits from the new policy for ensemble classes. Students will finally be able to hone their craft at their own pace, helping them to receive training in a skill that will enrich their life or allow them to get ready for careers in the performing arts and music industry.