Each One Teach One Approved, For Now

The Guardsman
Oz Litvac
At the Associated Students meeting on May 9 a motion to approve funding for Each One Teach One was carried and approved, for now.
A funding proposal for 2012-2013 was passed around and included a recent progress report, projected growth and a budget proposal.
After no motion was carried in the last AS meeting on May 2, organizers and supporters of the program worried that E1T1 would not be approved for funds.
The existence of the program depends on various factors like an optional $5 per student fee that funds student activities. Some students opt out of paying when they enroll because they are not aware that the funds go to resource centers which create such programs as E1T1.
Although the funding is there, since E1T1 was initially funded with leftover money from other programs, the decision of whether the program will continue in semesters to come depends on the next council chosen, and is based on prior council recommendations as well.
“It was valuable for me and actually made me realize I want to teach,” said Shanell Williams, AS president-elect and E1T1 facilitator. “It opened up a door for me that I didn’t know existed.”
Associated Students VP of Finance Cuong Tang said, “We are running negatively on money right now.” He continued to clarify he does not discourage the council from voting on E1T1 but doesn’t think it’s a good idea to add new programs while borrowing to stay afloat.
“Once we agree, the proposal will still be flexible,” said senator Tiffany Louie, as Khin Soe pitched the E1T1 proposal.
There is no telling whether there will be sufficient numbers of student facilitators or appropriate content for future workshops in order to justify a need for funding to members of the council.
Dean Samuel Santos asked everybody to “ask for support from faculty and advisors.” However, he insists the funding for E1T1 is not “secured”.
Now that the motion has been approved, the financial situation of E1T1 can be discussed in detail, at least until the funding is voted on again.
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