January 14 News Briefs
Student health fee goes up to $17
The student health fee for 2009 increased by one dollar to $17 for the spring and fall semester as well as $14 for the summer semester, after the board of trustees approved the increase last year. Sunny Clark, the Student Health Center director, estimated the cost per visit at $100, while the student fee allows for unlimited visits. The increased fee is part of an effort to offset rising costs of running health centers and purchasing supplies.
Parking fee to increase to $3
The board of trustees approved a resolution to increase the cost of one-day parking permits at City College’s Ocean campus from $2 to $3, making it the first increase since 2006. The permits are sold in vending machines in campus lots, and are the “best bargains in town” for parking, according to Associate Vice Chancellor of Facilities Planning and Management, Jim Blomquist.
Police Chief? Not quite.
According to acting Dean of Public Safety Rod Santos, the position of Chief of City College Police Department was offered to Gregory Murphy. But Murphy has since declined the position. Instead of appointing a new chief Santos, a civilian, will remain head of the department.
The Wellness Center door is not broken
According to the office of Office of Facilities Management, the design of the door has proven to be too large and too heavy to function reliably. The door frequently stood open and was subject to the area winds. Over the next 2-3 weeks, it will be replaced with smaller units, along with automatic control for handicapped accessibility. If the replacement is functional, other entrances to the building will be changed similarly.
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