No Tasers for SFPD
Your headline suggests that you have swallowed the lemonade.
As abundant testimony and 75 witnesses testified Tasers are instruments of torture not instruments of effective law enforcement.
Once the SFPD has these instruments of torture there will be no stopping their abusive, dangerous and deadly use by police
The Police Commission acknowledged this fact in March, 2010 when they voted against Tasers for the SFPD.
After last year’s anti-Taser vote Taser International changed their website to reflect that the onus for liability for Taser use lay with the police departments who buy and use them, not on Taser International.
Taser’s website shows that Tasers are so dangerous and so much abused as to render them totally ineffective in law enforcement.
Once the horse is out of the barn with near certain Commission approval be weary of their abusive and dangerous use (don’t forget the BART murder).
Nick Pasquariello
San Francisco resident
City College student
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