Rams Continue Run for Conference Title with Convincing 2-0 Win Over Gladiators

By Andy Bays/Contributor
As both teams met beneath heavy gray skies, Rams, dressed in their home-team red, came onto the field like a racehorse breaking out of the starting gate against the yellow-clad Gladiators, snuffing Chabot 2-0 on Oct. 27.
The Rams began to hit their stride three minutes in, making good passes and formidable offensive shots.
Kanata Ishida caught Chabot defenders by surprise and punched the ball past a diving goalie.

(5) maneuvers the ball to avoid a Chabot College player during a home soccer game on Tuesday, Oct 27. at Ocean Campus. (Photo by Khaled
Sayed/The Guardsman)
At about 15 minutes into the game, the Rams began playing like the No. 1 conference team they are, but Chabot was not without their share of acrobatic defensive plays that temporarily halted the Rams’ momentum.
Bobakr Hussain, flanked by two City College teammates, rushed a second shot on goal past the Chabot goalie for a 2-0 lead. At this point, the Gladiators looked tired.
After a heroic save by City College goalie Sergio Delamora, the Ram’s succession of offensive plays advanced the ball down the field like a pinball machine.
Elisama Padilla charged straight down the field with the ball and collided with Chabot’s hulking goalie, who was pulled from the game with an injured foot after deflecting Padilla’s shot.
As the two teams went to halftime, periodic raindrops pelted the soccer field.
The second half was marred by collisions. Another Chabot player limped to the sidelines and other players on both teams rolled around on the ground from kicks to the shin.
Neither of the goalies allowed any goals in the second half.
“Everybody has the mentality of winning the state championship.”
—Bobakr Hussain
“In the first half, we attacked well,” head coach Adam Lucarelli said. “In the second half, our reserves played hard. They haven’t had a lot of playing time over the season, so they did a good job holding the score 0-0.”
Hussain was optimistic following the victory, as the City College players ran post-game laps.
“We played really hard,” Hussain said. “Everyone has the mentality of winning the state championship.”
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