Community Calendar: May 9-22
Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Workshop
Thurs., May 10, 2018, 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
@ Chinatown/North Beach Center (CHNB), Room 605
Dr. Ben Tran, Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor of DOR will conduct a workshop covering an overview of DOR, services and assistance available for students with disabilities, and eligibility criteria.
For more information, call Dr. Tran at 415-904-7188
18th Annual City Shorts Film Festival
Thurs., May 10, 2018, 6:00 p.m. reception, 7:00 p.m. screening
@ Diego Rivera Theater, Ocean Campus
City Shorts provides City College students and faculty an end of the year celebration that supports exceptional work emerging from the department. It helps students gain notoriety as they move into film and media arts careers by featuring their innovative short form work and highlighting the creative energy at City College.
Tickets: $5 Suggested donation
Spring Flower & Plant Sale
Thurs., May 10, 2018
@ Horticulture Center, Ocean Campus
The scholarship fundraiser will feature student grown and designed perennials, shrubs house and bedding plants, veggie starts, herbs, fresh floral designs, and permanent home decorations.
For more information, call 415-239-3140.
“In the Line of Fire” Art Exhibit
Now until Wed., May 23, 2018
@ City College Department of Journalism, Bungalow 615, Ocean Campus
The Journalism Department is exhibiting rare war zone photography by Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist Kim Komenich and former Reuters Photo Bureau Chief Lou Dematteis.
City College Commencement Ceremony
Thurs., May 24, 2018, 5:00 p.m.
@ Davies San Francisco Symphony Hall
Extra tickets will be disbursed on Mon., May 14, 2018
To sign up for extra tickets, go to
City College Jazz Musician’s Club event
Wed. May 30, 2018, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
@ Bird and Beckett Books, 653 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA 94131
The Jazz Musician’s Club will be performing as City Jazz Band, featuring an exuberant set of familiar jazz classics for readers and music aficionados alike.
For more information, call 415-586-3733