Super Bowl Brings Bad Business

By Pablo Reyes
Super Bowl 50 is being played this year at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, Calif. roughly 40 miles from San Francisco.
The NFL and Super Bowl City have descended upon the beautiful city of San Francisco and they are like an ugly ill fitting, cheap suit. They just don’t look good.
Mayor Ed Lee has only one real concern and that is stuffing the coffer full of money. He displaced the homeless population that lived in and around Super Bowl City without a second thought.
The only support in place for the homeless was the underwhelming normal year-round services that the city always offers. The mayor has the city foot the five million dollar bill for the extra law enforcement and surveillance but can’t spare any more funds for the homeless?
It must suck to be unwelcomed and unwanted. This is not anything new. Anytime you have a huge event come to a city, the blight and undesired are hidden from view.
When Dianne Feinstein was mayor of San Francisco, she bussed the homeless out of town for the Democratic Convention. San Francisco Police Department were paid to take homeless people in police vans and dropped off out of the city in places like Modesto and Stockton.
I think Mayor Ed Lee is a puppet. He dances for nickels, and, in this case, the NFL is having their way with the city of San Francisco.
His job is a public servant but who is he serving? He gives the impression that San Francisco is for sale and that disturbs me greatly.
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